Guide to: Happiness
“Happy are the people whose God is the LORD.” Psalm 144:15
Finding happiness seems to be a common goal that most people strive for in their daily routine, whether that be in relationships, jobs, or just in general. Something that I get asked more often than you’d think is “Taylor, how are you always so happy?” Getting asked that used to confuse me a lot- and I mean a LOT. I think a big part of the confusion this question always brought me was due, in part, to the fact that people always think happiness occurs when you say or do something yourself that results in bliss. That, my friends, is the problem. If you truly think happiness is in any way something you have control over, you’re set up for a lot of disappointment.
I’m just going to be frank with you- happiness comes from God, and God alone. It’s not your dream job, dream college, dream man, dream home, clothes, etc. If you seek happiness and comfort in any of these, (yes, including in your spouse/mate), you will not ever know true happiness.
There is a word in the Bible that sticks out to me whenever I see it- the word “makarios”. Makarios means “more than happy” or “supremely blessed”. This is God’s goal for us, even if we don’t think things are going the way we want them to. God’s desire is to make us holy, not just temporarily happy with things that the world has to offer us. In fact, did you know that He tells us to be happy more times in scripture than any other command? Think about that for a second. Commands such as “rejoice”, “be of good cheer”, “do not be afraid”, “give thanks”, these are all ways of God telling us to be happy.
The things in our lives that lead to misery are all things that happen outside of God’s will- pride, selfishness, unforgiveness, jealousy, repeated sins. Then on the contrary, the things that lead to happiness are all part of following and obeying God. Inside His will we find love, loving relationships, friendship, healthy community, unselfishness, gratitude, graciousness, a sense of wonder and awe for the world around us.
“Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” Psalm 84:5
God is our strength, and our happiness is found there. I’m a very technical person, a logical thinker, so it makes sense to me that when we try to live our lives on our own weak, mortal strength, we won’t find happiness. In fact, we are more likely to worry, fear, fight and dwell in our sorrows.
“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law.” Proverbs 29:18
I find comfort in rules and directions. They keep me on the right path and keep me from falling off a cliff. Without the directions, I would surely get lost while wandering and trusting my own judgement. Likewise, I find comfort and peace in knowing God’s promises for me and all that He knows for me and my future.
You know when you are alone and looking in a mirror, and you start picking out every flaw on your body/face? We’ve all been there, don’t lie. Those are the times when I catch myself and realize that I am making every flaw so much bigger than it really is. Anytime I focus on myself, it’s easy to make an obsession out of everything that’s wrong with my life, but when I focus on the needs of others, my problems don’t seem so big. Instead I start to think as a servant and seek ways I can serve my brothers and sisters on their walks. I think this could possibly be what King Solomon meant in Ecclesiastes 3:12. Here, he said, “I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.” Doing good for others is definitely something that keeps me happy. How do you feel after helping someone?
I am also a firm believer in God’s promises to us. Promises to love us, guide us, never lead us astray, fulfill us, find us. We have to make that leap too. God’s word agrees with this. “Happy is she who believed that The Lord would fulfill the promises He made to her.” Luke 1:45
God created us for happiness, and the only way we will find true happiness in this world is to seek Holy Happiness. As we seek God and grow close to Him, trusting His word and loving others selflessly, we find that happiness isn’t only for members of an exclusive club, it’s not a worldly trait, it’s a gift from God for His children and He delights in the joy of His children.
Happiness comes when we seek God with our whole hearts and obey Him in faith. That’s it, y’all, that’s my secret.
Follow God. Trust Him. Seek Him. Obey Him.
I promise you won’t regret it. I still don’t. I never will.
“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” - C.S. Lewis